Chapter 3. Headwind

I woke up late, made a picture on a jetty and continued my trip. Sooner I realized that I had a strong western headwind.

I woke up late, made a picture on a jetty and continued my trip. Sooner I realized that I had a strong western headwind. I pedaled for 3 hours and made only 35 km. The day is sunny but it does look happy for me. I even removed my bike-computer, because it was frustrating to push hard and see that my speed was only 8 km/hour.

I made a stop in the afternoon. Immediately a lot of flies arrived. They were trying to explore my nose, eyes and the whole face. I put a mosquito net on my head and a jacket on my naked hands. Tried to sleep for a little while.

Then I continued a battle with the wind. My next destination is a small fisherman city Pt.Kenny is located only 60 km from Elliston. But I cycled to get there the whole day. I was almost 5 pm when I arrived to Port Kenny exhausted. The town looked abandoned. I ordered a fish burger with salad on a gas station. It was really huge, so I asked to cut it in half to eat it the next day.

On the city exit I tried to hitchhike a car to Ceduna, but the car traffic there in the evening time was very rare. I checked a map on my phone. I was to leave wood area in 10 km. I cycled and soon found a good spot not far from the road. That area was not for a free wild campimg. All land is some farmer’s property. I pitched a tent closer to wire border.

At night I heard a big dump on wires. I guess kanga-roo bumped a border somewhere not far.

I made only 70 km that day.
