Chapter 12. Back to civilization — Kalgoorlie

On next morning I found a family on Caravan Park. They have 3 bicycles and I share with them 2 tubes. I need to

On next morning I found a family on Caravan Park. They have 3 bicycles and I share with them 2 tubes. I need to rid of most of my stuff. I put my dirty clothes in rubbish. Some pieces put inside dirty tent. I have unpacked nuts and bottle of water. I gave it to couple on bikes. They travel to East.

Bus departures from BP gas station. I have a plenty of time to dismantle bike and pack it in bag.

I met with a problem – left pedal stucked, so I couldn’t to remove it. I asked WD-40 from guy on car. He shares it with me, but no results. So I put both wheels from one side of frame. I have washed hands because it always dirty after packing. I left matt, blanket and sun-protection cream on table closer to station. I hope it could be useful for someone. As for me I have no space to keep it.

I bought 1,5 kg of grapes. It was my dream for last 10 days.


Just I finished a packing a bus has arrived. I have my seat and rode to Kalgoorlie. All way I ate grapes and nuts. This ride took 2 hours only.

Bus arrived on Railway station, just in old center of city Kalgoorlie. There is a Railway hotel across the square, so I stayed there. 135 AUD and breakfast included.

I washed myself and went to see city. I need to change my foot and bough new jeans.

My new jeans and New Balance
My new jeans and New Balance

There is only one sport store here with limited choice of New Balance sneakers. But I found one good model and my size. Actually I have size 9 and Australia use American standard of size. I also bought socks and dropped my old lucky Puma’s in rubbish.

It’s sad to leave it here. But it smells as hell and no chances to clean up.

I bought new pair of jeans – 33 AUD and some vegetables to eat.

There is a boiler in room so I could drink so much as want.

The only one thing I have to do – is to find a place to stay in Sydney for two nights.

There is computer on reception, but at first I tried to find Sergey. Old friend from Vladivostok. But I haven’t seen him for 10 years. His sister Ira sent me a contact phone. I left a message and Sergey re-call me immediately. He said he will be glad to host me and show Sydney. He asked why I only for one day in Sydney and where I’ve been all these time.


I said that I was cycing. –You are always travel a lot. Ok. Arrive, call me and share everything about your trip.

Tried to watch a TV. But as I already said I hate TV.